HomeOwners' Association
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Membership in the HOA is not optional and you are legally required to pay the annual assessment. Payment is due in full within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. Invoices are mailed in August with a due date of October 1. Please pay your assessment on time. Past due accounts significantly increase HOA expenses, which may necessitate an increase in the annual assessment the following year. Furthermore, members who have not paid their assessment by the due date will have their voting rights suspended until their account is in good standing. Delinquent accounts are subject to late fees and interest charges. Ultimately, a lien may be placed on your property for the amount of the assessment plus applicable late fees, interest charges, administrative fees and reasonable attorney fees. This is not something the Board wishes to do and is a measure of last resort in order to collect payment.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
important reminders
Most fireworks are illegal. See the Champaign Police Department statement here.
It is the responsibility of each resident to read, understand and fully comply with the requirements set forth in the Boulder Ridge Subdivision Restrictive Covenants and Architectural Control Committee (ACC) Guidelines. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of rental property owners to inform your tenants of these requirements and the consequences for non-compliance. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the penalties outlined in the Breach and Remedy Procedure Guidelines. These documents can be downloaded on the Covenants page.
Any proposed changes to the exterior of your home or property - including, but not limited to, fences, decks, landscaping, pergolas, etc. - must be submitted to the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) for approval. Failure to do so may result in the penalties outlined in the Breach and Remedy Procedure Guidelines. These documents can be downloaded on the Covenants page.
Dumping any material in easements, swales or at the end of dead-end streets such as Bluegrass Ln. is prohibited. Grass clippings and other yard waste must be put in approved yard waste bags and placed on the curb for pickup. Contact your trash collection company for specific instructions. Yard waste may also be taken to the Urbana Landscape Recycling Center for disposal.
Dumping any material in vacant lots or using contractor's dumpsters for disposal of trash and other household items is considered trespassing.
Please do not park on sidewalks. It creates a hazard for pedestrians and is a violation of Section 33-53 of the Champaign Municipal Code, subject to ticketing by the Champaign Police Dept. Please report violations to Champaign Police at (217) 333-8911.
Please do not park in front of mailboxes. Mail carriers in our neighborhood do not leave their vehicles and will not deliver mail if they cannot easily and safely drive up to and away from the mailbox.
Please sweep sidewalks and driveways after mowing. It only takes a few additional minutes and will help keep our neighborhood looking its best!
Please pick up after your dog! Be a responsible pet owner, and it is a violation of the city of Champaign ordinance sect 7.14.
Please promptly remove signs posted in common areas and on street signs after garage sales are over. We do not allow political signs of any kind to be posted in common areas. Real estate signs may only be posted on the EAST side of the Bluegrass Ln. entrance and the NORTH side of the Boulder Ridge Dr. entrance.
special offers
Auto Owners Insurance, our liability insurance carrier, is offering the following discounts to all Boulder Ridge HOA members:
5% off Home Owners Insurance Policies
10% off Personal Auto Policies
10% off Personal Umbrella Policies
10% off Business Insurance Policies
Contact any Auto Owners Insurance agent for a quote and mention you are a member of Boulder Ridge HOA. Our local agent is Sarah Marshky at Snyder Insurance Agency (217) 531-8000 x201
Our social media connection is nextdoor.com and Facebook.
For Nextdoor, enter your home address and email address or log in if you already have an account.
For Facebook, search for "Boulder Ridge HOA Neighbors" and answer the required questions.